Sitemap - 2019 - EthHub

EthHub Weekly #94

EthHub Weekly #93

EthHub Weekly #92

EthHub Weekly #91

EthHub Weekly #90

ETHWaterloo Recap: Part 2

Enigma: Bringing Privacy to Ethereum via Layer 2

EthHub Weekly Recap #89: Eth2 updates, China drama, Gods Unchained marketplace goes live, introducing Chai, why DeFi can change the world and Vitalik’s blog on progress

EthHub Weekly #89

Will Villanueva: Ethereum 2.0 Phase 2 Deep Dive

EthHub Weekly Recap #88: Istanbul is coming, ENS guide, Banks and crypto, Maker's MCD is live, Compound raises $25mn, UMA creates an actual shitcoin and a discussion on moneyness

EthHub Weekly #88

EthHub Weekly Recap #87: ENS, ETHWaterloo, RealT + Uniswap, Dai cap is raised, Ethereum marketing DAO, the real reasons for crypto and running an Ethereum full node

ETHWaterloo Recap: Part 1

EthHub Weekly #87

Zak Cole: Whiteblock and Testing Eth2

EthHub Weekly Recap #86: New merch shop, Burner Wallet tries mainstream, BitMEX email leak, Maple Finance introduced, skinny EIP-1559, DeFiZap announced, Uniswap turns 1 and is Ethereum unforkable?

EthHub Weekly #86

Gnosis Safe: Improving Security and UX with Smart Contract Wallets

EthHub Weekly Recap #85: DevCon recap, ETH is a commodity, China embraces blockchain, Vitalik’s research posts, Maker MCD launch date, Uniswap Plasma and Istanbul fork soon

EthHub Weekly #85

EthHub Weekly #84

EthHub Weekly #83

EthHub Weekly #82

AZTEC Protocol: Bringing Privacy to Ethereum

EthHub Weekly Recap #81: Gitcoin grants, Kik drama, Istanbul testnets, crypto ratings council, Gods Unchained raises $15mn, tokenizing NBA contracts and Ethereum gas explained

EthHub Weekly #81

Ryan Sean Adams: Why Ether is Money

EthHub Weekly Recap #80: ProgPOW discussion, DOJ extortion charges, dev update, DeFi Score launches, BitPay adds ETH support, on chain metrics and David Hoffman on ETH as money

EthHub Weekly #80

Synthetix: Bringing Currency, Commodity and Stock Exposure to Ethereum

EthHub Weekly Recap #79: Eth2 interop, Coinbase launching IEOs, USDC DeFi bootstrap fund, Staked money robot, UMA synth token builder and the current gas situation

EthHub Weekly #79

Matteo Leibowitz: A Deep Dive on the Current State of Ethereum

EthHub Weekly Recap #78: EthBoston, Compound drama, Eth2 clients are talking, Apple talks crypto, Maker Oracles v2, ProgPOW audit complete, The LAO, Ethereum competition and State of the Mixers report

EthHub Weekly #78

Camila Russo: Telling the Story of Ethereum

EthHub Weekly Recap #77: Epicenter recap, Pantheon joins Hyperledger, new EF grants, unified state channels, Dharma relaunches, Pool Dai introduced and does Compound have more devs than EOS?

EthHub Weekly #77

Talking Ethereum 2.0 with Danny Ryan

EthHub Weekly Recap #76: Berlin recap, INX IPO, tBTC is announced, profit pools, rDai, Istanbul update, wallet standards, EthBerlin hackathon and ETH's bear market

EthHub Weekly #76

Fluidity: Bringing Real World Assets to Ethereum

EthHub Weekly #75

Ryan Selkis: Messari and the State of Crypto

EthHub Weekly Recap #74: Aya joins EEA board, on mainnet, MetaMoneyMarket launches, MetaCartel DAO funding Wave 1, DEx market share and on marketing #DeFi?

EthHub Weekly #74

EthHub Weekly Recap #73: Ethereum funding, launching exchange, Argent CDP creator, Brave adds BAT tipping, Eth2 updates and DeFi or not?

EthHub Weekly #73

MetaCartel: Improving and Funding Ethereum's Application Layer

EthHub Weekly Recap #72: Block rewards funding, DappCon & ETHBerlin, Circle moving to Bermuda, Microsoft using public Ethereum, pooling cDai, Coinbase’s Maker education and valuing SC platforms

EthHub Weekly #72

Matic: Scalable and Instant Ethereum Transactions

EthHub Weekly Recap #71: Facebook Libra hearings, Eth2 researchers AMA, networking on Eth2, Set launches trend trading, 0x vulnerability and what Ethereum and Bitcoin agree on

EthHub Weekly #71

Set Protocol: Automating Asset Management with DeFi

EthHub Weekly Recap #70: Trump tweets about crypto, US big tech and crypto, Heiswap introduced, Geth v1.9, InstaDapp DeFi bridge and Ethereum becoming global asset platform

EthHub Weekly #70

TokenCard: Path to a Self-Sovereign Banking Service

InstaDapp: A Bridge to Decentralized Finance

EthHub Weekly #69

EthHub Weekly Recap #68: Anthony joins Set, Eth2 Phase 0 spec frozen, Austin Griffith leaves Gitcoin, Maker MCD update, PoolTogether launched, ETH tx count rising and why you can't kill ETH

EthHub Weekly #68

Coin Metrics: Understanding the Value and Use of Crypto Networks

EthHub Weekly Recap #67: Facebook's Libra announced, Eth 2.0 updates, EF dev report, Argent's Hopper, dYdX seeing growth and digital art/collectibles

EthHub Weekly #67

Grid+: Lattice1 Hardware Wallet and Announcing Phonon Network

EthHub Weekly Recap #66: Merch store launch, Libra updates, Binance blocking US, NFTs on Maker, Gnosis Safe on Burner, Shadowlands launches, WBTC growing and $1bn DeFi volume

EthHub Weekly #66

Talking Ethereum with Ameen Soleimani

EthHub Weekly Recap #65: Scaling Ethereum workshop, Argent's mixer, Facebook coin, StarkDEX demo, Rocket Pool updates, Uniswap improvements, DeFi Pulse and a deep dive on DAI

EthHub Weekly #65

Kyber Network: Providing Liquidity to the Decentralized World with Loi Luu

EthHub Weekly Recap #64: Kik attempts DefendCrypto, EY's nightfall code live, dxDAO awakens, JPM's Zether, measuring dapp adoption and Eth 2.0 economics discussion

EthHub Weekly #64

Zerion: Building a Trustless Digital Bank

EthHub Weekly Recap #63: Merch store coming, Facebook GlobalCoin, Grayscale Ethereum Trust, Compound v2, EF Spring 2019 update, RIP 3228, ZK-rollup breakdown and MetaMask metrics

EthHub Weekly #63

EthHub Weekly Recap #62: ETHNY Recap, Facebook registers in Switzerland, Istanbul EIP deadline, Cheeze Wizards game, Flexa SPEDN app, on-chain metrics and why devs build on Ethereum

EthHub Weekly #62

Argent: The Immense Benefits of Smart Contract Wallets

EthHub Weekly Recap #61: Community call, Moloch DAO, EF funding plan, Devcon Osaka, Binance hacked, FinCEN guidance, PryLabs testnet, RealT launched and bullish ETH metrics

EthHub Weekly #61

Digix: The Golden Path Forward with Shaun Djie

EthHub Weekly Recap #60: Eric joins Gnosis, Bitfinex drama, Facebook's stablecoin, updated, Metacash wallet, CDP Saver tool, Elon tweets Ethereum and Aragon voting

EthHub Weekly #60

Discussing the Ethereum Roadmap with Rick Dudley

EthHub Weekly Recap #59: Tether drama, Samsung developing on Ethereum, Uniswap gets funding, Eth 2.0 moving along, EIP-1559 working group, Dai stability and don't sleep on Ethereum

EthHub Weekly #59

Austin Griffith: Path to Mass Adoption with the Burner Wallet

EthHub Weekly Recap #58: EthHub community forum, EIP-1559 progress, EY Nightfall, ConsenSys raising money, Eth 2.0 rewards, ENS upgrading, Dharma ReFi w/ DeFi, Maker stability and Eth 1.x help

EthHub Weekly #58

FOAM: The Future of Proof of Location with Ryan John King

EthHub Weekly Recap #57: Anthony at EDCON, China bans Bitcoin (again), 0x token economics, Augur v2 announced, Flex startup derivatives, Dai stability fee up again and EIP discussions in Berlin

EthHub Weekly #57

EthHub Weekly Recap #56: Anthony going to EDCON, Eth 2.0 Economics Post, EthHub Roadmap, SEC No Action Letter, Sigma Prime Eth 2.0 Client, LoanScan DeFi Rates, DeFi Activity and Eth 2.0 Issuance Rates

Celer Network: Scaling Ethereum via Layer 2 with Mo Dong

EthHub Weekly #56

Connext: Building Ethereum Payment Solutions with Arjun Bhuptani

EthHub Weekly Recap #55: Community Call, Eth 2.0 Testnets, Bithumb Hack, Gitcoin Platform Fee, Multi-Collateral Dai, Stocks as ERC20s, Eth Activity Rising and EIP Process

EthHub Weekly #55

Maker: Establishing Stability in Crypto with Rune Christensen

EthHub Weekly Recap #54: Gitcoin livestream, Square hiring crypto devs, Mist discontinued, Counterfactual playground, StarkWare DEx, Compound v2, Dai stability and using dapps in a tweet

EthHub Weekly #54

EthHub Weekly Recap #53: Moloch DAO is alive, SEC comments on Ether, Tether not fiat backed, Karpeles found guilty, Dai Card & Cryptostaw, Gitcoin matching round 2, node talk and Dai stability

Vitalik Buterin: Current and Future State of Ethereum

EthHub Weekly #53

Ethereum 1.x: Ensuring the Future Sustainability of Ethereum with Alexey Akhunov

EthHub Weekly Recap #52: Bounties, Fidelity crypto custody, Maker stability fee, BlockFi, Opera's iOS Ethereum wallet, fixing the gas fee market (EIP-1559), DeFi activity down and developer stats

EthHub Weekly #52

Gitcoin: Growing Open Source Software with Kevin Owocki

EthHub Weekly Recap #51: Constantinople, EthHub bounties, Gitcoin torch, Facebook coin, #deletecoinbase, new Set tokens, Connext Daicard, ZRX governance, DeFi pulse, Maker stability and #dopefi

EthHub Weekly #51

Cent: The Vision for Earning Income from Anywhere

EthHub Weekly Recap #50: Gitcoin torch, crypto on Galaxy S10, fiat gateways, EF grants/transparency, buy property with Dai, how to socially scale Ethereum and using Raiden Network

EthHub Weekly #50

Bounties Network: Empowering Humans to Incentivize and Self-Organize

EthHub Weekly Recap #49: JPM Coin, Exchanges paying dev teams, Beacon Chain withdrawals, Dharma Lever redesign, ECF v2, Ethereum issuance rate, Uniswap volume explosion and Dev drama

EthHub Weekly #49

Lending on Ethereum: Nadav Hollander of Dharma

EthHub Weekly Recap #48: Stocks with crypto, Zcash inflation bug, State of Ethereum 2.0, Rocket Pool update, TCR Party, Uniswap growth, Record Dai and Ethereum leadership

EthHub Weekly #48

Taylor Monahan of MyCrypto: Interacting with the Ethereum Blockchain

EthHub Weekly Recap #47: QuadrigaCX lost funds, more ETFs, WBTC launched, Graph Explorer, DEx aggregators, zkERC20, why price matters and MakerDAO discussion

EthHub Weekly #47

Compound: Open Finance Money Markets with Robert Leshner

EthHub Weekly Recap #46: Messari's XRP report, Ether on Samsung phones, ETF rejection, tokenized Reddit karma, Eth 2.0 client updates + researchers AMA, and Bitcoin 21mn cap debate

EthHub Weekly #46

Martin Köppelmann of Gnosis: DEXs, DAOs and Predictions of the Future

EthHub Weekly Recap #45: Cryptopia hacked, gaming on Ethereum, Constantinople delay, Maker sunsetting Oasis, Parity Feather, large CDP buys and an Eth 2.0 discussion

EthHub Weekly #45

Settle: The Platform for Open Finance with Scott Lewis

EthHub Weekly Recap #44: Issues, ETC 51% Attack, Shapeshift cuts, Veil on Augur, CryptoKitties + Gods Unchained, Parity's Grant, Vanity CDPs, Dai vs. ETH?

Nick Johnson: Future of the Ethereum Name Service and thoughts on ProgPOW

EthHub Weekly Recap #43: EthHub launch, Stocks on Ethereum, ConsenSys and AMD, Gitcoin grants, Burner wallets,, ProgPOW, Constantinople, and Oracles on MakerDAO

Scaling Ethereum with STARKs: StarkWare Industries